โ™Ÿ๏ธ THE PAWN๏ƒ


Has someone ever referred to you as a pawn? Thatโ€™s fine since weโ€™re all pawns, including the one who labeled you a pawn. This is something you should know right now!

Everyone was once a pawn, including Michelle Obama, Ellen, Oprah, Beyoncรฉ, Joe Biden, Dangote, and you!

A pawn is a chess piece that is unprotected, unnoticed, and extremely vulnerable. Because of its evident restrictions, it is regarded as the boardโ€™s weakest piece.

On a chess board, pawns make up the majority of the pieces. Take a careful look at yourself; did you just discover youโ€™re a member of societyโ€™s majority? Have you ever become disoriented in a crowd? Thatโ€™s OK.

Every pawn is designed to defend an official, but no official is required to defend the pawn until it chooses to do so. You are built to defend someone or something by default, yet nothing defends you, or does it? Continue to go forward.

The majority of the time, the pawns are utilized as bait. How many times have you been exploited to buy something for someone and not been appreciated for it? Youโ€™re not on your own.

They (pawns) capture diagonally, which means that in order to survive, you must learn to shift directions and not become obsessed on a single object. Accept and embrace change.

Blocking pawns is simple. To be honest, anyone can stop you from progressing. Anybody. This includes the individual you dismiss, ignore, or dislike. Continue to be humble.

These fascinating chess pieces accomplish a one-of-a-kind capture between them known as โ€œEn Passant.โ€ When dealing with others with similar brains, social standing, financial resources, and situations, knowing your boundaries is a good idea. Please do not trespass.

You, like the pawn, are probably moaning and nagging about all the limits that surround you. There is a restriction of one or two movements ahead (only at first movement). Limitation fades away.

Pawns never go backwards in the game. Itโ€™s not in your nature to withdraw or submit. You have a lovely, bright, and promising future ahead of you. Never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever

Once a pawn has successfully reached an opponentโ€™s back rank, they must be promoted to any official of their choice. At the conclusion of the day, you will automatically receive the victory crown. When you successfully complete that race, you must undoubtedly be known, admired, feared, and invincible. Because you can no longer be stomped, fooled, or controlled, this process is unavoidable. Youโ€™ve done it!!!

This post is dedicated to the homeless African-American, the single parent, the LGBT boy, the sad mind, the Ukrainian Refugee, and the girl who doesnโ€™t belong. You are the subject of this work.

About the Author๏ƒ

Samuel Obande